Max I. Walker Wins 1st Place Dry Cleaner in Best of Omaha for 10th Year In a Row!
November 12, 2021
Max I. Walker Proud to Announce Partnership with Omaha Community Playhouse
January 12, 2022Thanksgiving is all fun and games until someone gets cranberry sauce on their clothes. But we're here to help! Our secret weapon for removing a cranberry sauce stain is Dawn Original Dish Soap. You can see in our photos below an actual attempt at removing cranberry sauce from some tan-colored boys' jeans. The Dawn got all those stains out!
To treat a cranberry stain, apply undiluted blue Dawn to each spot as soon as possible after the mishap occurs. You don't need to rinse the item with water first, but if there are any solids on the garment, gently pick them off. Do not rub the stain. Let the garment sit with the dish soap on it for 24 hours. Don't worry about applying the soap to light colored garments — it will not stain them blue, as you can see from the after photo.
After pre-treating, wash with laundry detergent in cold water on the most appropriate cycle for that garment. For an extra boost, you can add oxygen bleach (Oxiclean) for colored items or chlorine bleach (Clorox) for whites. Never wash stained items in warm or hot water — heat can set the stain if laundering is unable to fully remove it.
After washing, line-dry the item. Do not put it in the dryer. Until you know if a stain has been fully removed or not, do not allow the garment to be exposed to any heat.
Once the item is dry, check if the stains came out. If they did not, you can repeat the process again to see if you can remove the stains further.
The best chance for stain removal is to treat the stain immediately if you can, or ASAP. Unfortunately, not all stains, cranberry or otherwise, will always come out. But we hope if you have a cranberry stain, this method will work as well for you as it did for us!
If you ever have a high-end, luxury, or specialty item with any stain on it and are scared to try and remove it yourself, bring it in to your nearest Max I. Walker location. We are expert stain removers with an array of specialized spotting agents that are each designed to treat and remove a certain kind of stain. If you bring an item to us for stain removal, make sure to tell us what caused the stain, and how long ago it happened.
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